Pizza that’s easy, tasty and healthy? That’s amore! Here’s how to build a healthy pizza that loves you back.
Nothing beats a delicious pizza on a Friday night after a long week. Find out how to turn a takeaway treat into a tasty, nutritious meal — in minutes!
Upper crust
Say goodbye to cheesy stuffed crusts and thick, doughy bases — and choose a thin crust that skips unwanted kilojoules, fat and salt. Better still, replace a pre-made pizza base with a wholegrain wrap.
Anything wholegrain or wholemeal has more fibre, which slows down digestion and makes you feel full. By switching from ‘white’ varieties to wholegrain, you’ll also get extra micronutrients, such as iron to transport oxygen, and vitamin E to fight disease.
Tip: High-fibre wholegrain wraps make the perfect thin and crispy pizza base!
Awesome sauce
Once you’ve got your pizza base sorted, the next step is to choose your sauce. There’s wide variation between brands, so it pays to check the labels. Our top tip? Look for a pizza sauce that contains less than 400mg of sodium per 100g.
No-added-salt tomato paste, or even canned tomatoes, are a safe bet. Or, ditch tradition and try hoummos or pesto!
Top that!
The toppings you choose can be a deal breaker, so it’s important to pick wisely.
We recommend starting with lots of vegies to boost your fibre intake while keeping the kilojoule content low. You could also aim to serve your pizza with a side salad to help you reach your five daily serves of veg.
A source of muscle-building protein helps balance out the meal. Prawns, skinless barbecued chicken and lean meat are all excellent toppings, as are eggs, nuts and beans. Limit cured meats like pepperoni, prosciutto and bacon, as they’re high in sodium and saturated fats — which are bad for your ticker.
The usual suspects such as olives, capers and anchovies can also pack a lot of salt — so go easy on these flavour makers!
Top veg toppings:
● Mushrooms
● Onions
● Red capsicum
● Rocket
● Zucchini
● Pumpkin
● Eggplant
● Baby spinach
● Asparagus
Say cheese!
Last but not least, you can’t forget the delicious glue that holds pizza together — cheese!
You’ll be pleased to know there are plenty of healthy choices.
Mozzarella is lower in fat, salt and kilojoules than cheddar. Flavoursome feta or parmesan are also good choices, because a little goes a long way. You can scatter small amounts of either of these over your pizza just before serving.
Another winning option is to dollop fresh or smooth ricotta over your pizza before it goes into the oven. Buon appetito!
Homemade pizza recipes
Skip the takeaway and try some of our favourite healthier pizza recipes:
● Chicken, pumpkin and pesto pizzas
● Middle Eastern lamb pizza
● Healthy vegetarian pizza
● Chicken, black bean and roasted pepper pizza
● Yoghurt flatbread pizza with eggplant and olives
● Prawn, tomato and basil pizza