It’s sizzle season! We show you how to add a boost of good nutrition to your barbecue banquet.
Everyone loves a backyard barbecue on a piping hot day, but typical barbecue bites aren’t always super healthy. The good news is, with a few simple tweaks, you can make your plate far more nutritious.
+ more fibre
Fibre plays a key role in gut health and keeps you feeling fuller for longer.
- Swap: A small white bread roll for a wholemeal one. Not only will you boost your fibre intake, you’ll add health-giving whole grains to your meal, too.
+ more healthy fats
Unsaturated fats keep your heart and brain healthy. They’re also super satisfying and keep pesky hunger pangs at bay.
- Swap: Butter on your bread roll for a quarter of an avocado. You’ll save 2g of unhealthy saturated fat and, as a bonus, add 3g of fibre.
+ more calcium
Calcium is essential for strong bones and teeth, but more than three quarters of females and half of males don’t get enough.
- Add: A sprinkle of cheese to your garden salad. This addition will also boost the protein on your plate by 5g.
+ more legumes
Legumes, such as beans, lentils and chickpeas, are plant-based powerhouses that provide the winning trio of slow-burning energy, muscle-building protein and gut-friendly fibre.
- Add: A handful of chickpeas to your salad. For some crunch, toss them in extra virgin olive oil and spices and cook them on the barbecue until crisp, before adding to your greens.
+ more vegies
Filling up half of your plate with vegies is one of the cornerstones of healthy eating. They’re packed with hunger-busting fibre and disease-fighting antioxidants.
- Swap: A sausage for a skewer of vegies (capsicum, red onion, zucchini and eggplant). Not only will this help you inch towards your five-plus-a-day target, you’ll wipe more than 8g of unhealthy saturated fat from your plate.
For more advice on healthier barbecues, we recommend: Barbecue bites or 4 healthier barbecue ideas.