Dietitian Melissa Meier and Healthy Food Guide editor Jenny de Montalk share 10 delicious treat ideas to satisfy your sweet cravings, while being healthier choices.
How to be treat-wise
All foods have their place in a healthy, balanced diet. The trick with treats is to know your portions! Aim to keep ‘sometimes’ foods to under 600kJ (144cal) per serve, which is roughly:
- 2 scoops of ice cream
- 2-3 sweet biscuits
- 5-6 lollies/sweets
- 1 row (4 squares) of chocolate
10 healthier sweet treats you’ll love
- You’ll love this baked pear dessert for less than 800kJ (191cal), plus 9g fibre! Halve a ripe pear, sprinkle it with cinnamon, wrap it in foil and bake for 20 minutes. Serve pear with ½ cup reduced-fat yoghurt.
- Containing dried fruit and nuts, these easy-to-make energy balls are a healthier go-to when you’re having a sweet craving, at 335kJ(80cal) per serve.
- Warm 1 cup of frozen berries in the microwave, then swirl through ½ cup of yoghurt. Just 530kJ (127cal).
- This low-cost jaffa nut slice is seriously good! Full of the goodness of nuts, this gluten-free treat will satisfy your sweet tooth without overdoing the sugar. It’s a snack-wise 510kJ (122cal) per serve.
- Whip up a healthy banana smoothie by blending a frozen banana with a dash of milk and vanilla, then top with a tablespoon of chopped mixed nuts — for just 700kJ (168cal)!
- This creamy mango lassi will hit the spot and give you a satisfying protein boost for just 560kJ (133cal)
- Popcorn is a great go-to snack, any time, but this choc-sesame version adds a bit of chocolatey sweetness, while being only 470kJ (113cal) per serve.
- For a nut- and dairy-free option, this quick cranberry oat and seed bar is the perfect snack. Each bar has 410kJ (99cal).
- You can easily make your own delicious ice cream at home. One serve of this strawberries and cream ice cream has just 600kJ (142cal).
- For a nutty chocolate freezer treat, spread a teaspoon of peanut butter over half a banana, then sprinkle with a chopped-up square of dark chocolate. Less than 600kJ (144cal) per portion!
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