We are all good at different things and it is the diversity of our skills and strengths that can make great things happen when we work together!
In the workplace, for example, we need big picture thinkers to come up with ideas and the detail and action-orientated ones of us to map out and get the process sorted. Those with creativity make it possible to effectively share the ideas with the world, and those with people skills are able to sell what has been created. Everyone’s strengths combine for the final result.
Whether it be at work, or in our home life, when we are able to use our strengths more often we are more likely to feel happier, be able to perform better and have a better overall sense of well-being.
So what are your strengths?
Alex Lindely, a professor of psychology and leading strengths researcher defines them as ‘a pre-existing capacity for a particular way of behaving, thinking or feeling that is authentic and energising to the user and enables optimal functioning, development and performance’.
Now that is a long definition! In basic terms, I like to think of strengths as things you are naturally good at, enjoy and make you feel like your best self. What strengths are you using when you are so engaged something time just feels like it disappears?
Examples of strengths
There are many strengths you can name. Lindely uses 60 examples and here are a few to get you started:
Action, creativity, curiosity, emotional awareness, humility, humour, self-awareness, self-belief, work ethic.
Your challenge | Make it happen!
Step 1: Identify what your key strengths are
Check out the list above and think about what your key strengths are. If you are keen to dig into a bit more detail, try out this online strengths tool so you get a snapshot of where your strengths lie.
Step 2: Notice when you are using your strengths
Print out this journal and keep a record of the strengths you have used during the day. Jot down notes about how you could use the strengths you have identified more in your life to help yourself and others.
Step 3: Strength spot others
As well as becoming aware of your own strengths, helping others to spot their strengths can be a great thing. If you notice one of your friends, family members or colleagues really shining and looking fully engaged in what they are doing, at the appropriate time, let them know! Give them a compliment about what they are doing and share how fantastic it is to see them using their strengths so well.
Often we think about how well others are doing but forget to let them know about it. Everyone likes to feel appreciated, so share what you are thinking with them. You just might make their day!