Whether you’re diving headfirst into Dry July or simply aiming to cut back on alcohol for improved health, Healthy Food Guide has you covered with these simple strategies to reduce your intake and bolster your well-being.
When it comes to drinking less, relying solely on willpower can be problematic. We’ve all had those moments when our iron-clad resolve starts to waver.
Sometimes, a social situation might prompt us to indulge – being the only one at a party or BBQ without a glass of wine can make it difficult to resist accepting a glass of bubbly. Other times, our daily routine might have us reaching for a bottle of red at the end of a stressful day, to unwind.
Knowing that drinking less alcohol can improve sleep, energy, gut health and weight management, isn’t always enough to stay motivated. So how can we make things a bit easier for ourselves? Making some subtle lifestyle alterations might just hold the answers.
Easy lifestyle changes for decreasing alcohol Intake
Here are seven easy ways to curb the booze:
1. Storage solutions: If you have bottles of wine or beer at home, moving them to an inconvenient location can make you think twice before opening one. Consider storing cases in the garage or somewhere high –any place that requires a bit more effort to reach. On a cold, rainy night, walking to the garage to fetch a drink can seem quite unappealing!
2. Shrink your glass: Literally. Select a smaller glass to drink from, and you’ll automatically cut down on the amount you consume. Savour the taste and drink mindfully to resist pouring yourself more.
3. Create a new routine: Instead of having a glass of wine at the end of a stressful day, cultivate a new relaxation routine. Consider taking a soothing bath, listening to some music or your favourite podcast, going for a walk, or indulging in some floor yoga to ease your nerves.
4. Try an alternative: The world of non-alcoholic drinks has expanded a lot over the last few years, as more people commit to reducing their alcohol intake. Traditionally alcoholic drinks, such as beer and wine, are being replaced by quality non-alcoholic counterparts, with winemakers like Edenvale wines exclusively crafting high-quality non-alcoholic wines. With 19 different varietals in their alcohol-free range, there’s something for everyone.

Edenvale wines contain 0.5% or less alcohol
5. Rehydrate with H2O: Have a glass of water between alcoholic beverages to keep yourself hydrated and help you feel slightly fuller to avoid drinking more than intended.
6. Circle of support: Surround yourself with friends, family, or support groups who share your desire to cut back on alcohol. Collectively, you can inspire and uplift each other to make healthier choices.
7. Discover new activities: Instead of socialising over drinks, explore exciting activities that don’t revolve around alcohol. Consider taking a bushwalk together, joining an art class, or catching up over a hot brew.
Taking steps to reduce alcohol consumption doesn’t mean sacrificing the fun in your life. In fact, by looking for alternatives to your drinking choices, or making simple lifestyle tweaks, you might just unlock some new favourite activities in the process.
Incorporating just few of these tips can help you reap great rewards for both your health and your overall well-being, whether you’re having an alcohol-free July or aiming to make a lasting change. So, cheers to making a change towards better health!
At Healthy Food Guide, we only collaborate with trusted brands. To bring you this article we have partnered with Edenvale, for more information about their products visit edenvale.com.au