Love a hot drink to warm you up whatever the season? Cosy up with one of these comforting low-calorie cuppas.

1. Long black
Per regular takeaway cup:
- 23kJ (6cal)
- 1g protein
- 0.2g fat
- 0.1g sat fat
- 0g carbs
- 0g sugar

2. Flat white
Per regular takeaway cup:
- 657kJ (157cal)
- 8.6g protein
- 7.9g fat
- 5g sat fat
- 13.5g carbs
- 13.5g sugar

3. McDonald’s Mocha Skim
Per small takeaway cup:
- 442kJ (106cal)
- 7.1g protein
- 0.6g fat
- 0.4g sat fat
- 17.1g carbs
- 16.6g sugar

4. Healthy Chef Naked Chocolat Dark
Per 10g serve:
- 136kJ (32cal)
- 1.6g protein
- 0.6g fat
- 0.4g sat fat
- 4g carbs
- 1.9g sugar
- 2.5g fibre
Note: Cocoa-based hot drinks can be a hidden source of sugar, so check the label

5. Green Tea
Per 250ml:
- <5kJ (<5cal)
- 0g protein
- 0g fat
- 0g sat fat
- 0g carbs
- 0g sugar
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