Pizza is a popular and convenient choice – so it helps to know which options are healthier. We investigate Pizza Hutt and Hell Pizza to see what's on the menu.
Here's what we found and how they rate as a % of an average person's daily fat and energy intake.
(Nutrient analysis based on approx. recommended dietary intake (RDI) for an 'average' adult.)
Pizza Hut
On the website: There is a nutritional analysis chart and calculator, although less than half of the pizzas available in their New Zealand stores are actually detailed in these charts and the energy information is in calories not kilojoules.
In-store: When asked, there was no nutrition information available in-store – they told us to look at their web site.
Healthy options: The Thin n' Crispy based pizzas are the healthiest option.
Surprises: The pan-based pizzas have more fat and kJ than the stuffed crust.
Best choice: 2 slices of 14" large Hawaiian pizza on a Thin N' Crispy base
18g fat
% of an average person's daily intake:
Energy: 25.0%
Fat: 25.7%
Worst choice: 2 slices of 14" large Meat Lover's pizza on a Pan base
62g fat
% of an average person's daily intake:
Energy: 51.0%
Fat: 88.6%
HELL Pizza
On the website: Nutritional analysis for most of the pizzas is available.
In-store: A leaflet called 'HELLthier pizzas' with nutrition information for the majority of the pizzas is available.
Surprises: You might assume the vegetarian pizzas would be healthiest – think again! Three of these (Damned, Limbo and Purgatory) rated amongst the highest kJ per slice!! Side dishes can also be traps: stay away from fries, pork spare ribs, crumbed camembert, hell dogs (cheese kranskys), wedges, squid rings and garlic bread and choose fresh green, tuna or Greek salad. Take it easy with the cheese toppings too: as more are added to your pizza; so too are the extra kilojoules!
Best choice: 2 slices of Sinister (vegan with refried beans, avocado, salsa, jalapenos, etc)
6g fat
% of an average person's daily intake:
Energy: 17.4%
Fat: 8.6%
Worst choice: 2 slices of Grimm (chicken with cream cheese, pine nuts, apricot sauce, etc)
19g fat
% of an average person's daily intake:
Energy: 24.8%
Fat: 27.1%