Fibre is so important for our health, we need to optimise our intake. Rice is a commonly used carbohydrate, so it makes sense to choose one with maximum fibre. HFG did some label reading for you.
Rice is a gluten-free, low-FODMAP carbohydrate we can enjoy at any meal. Wholegrain rice has more fibre because the outer husk, which contains the fibre, is left on. This gives brown rice a nutty taste. Higher-fibre carbohydrates fill us up and help provide energy to last the day.
To lower the risk of chronic diseases, the suggested dietary target (SDT) for fibre is 28g for women and 38g for men each day.
To compare the fibre in these packs of rice with the SDTs for women and men, we’ve used a 125g serve of cooked rice. That’s nearly ²/³cup of brown rice and a bit less than a cup of white rice.
Any product examples given here were correct at time of publication. However, remember to check the ingredients and nutrition information every so often, as these can change over time.

0.4g fibre in 125g cooked rice

0.8g fibre in 125g cooked rice

1.3g fibre in 125g cooked rice

1.4g fibre in 125g cooked rice

2.1g fibre in 125g cooked rice

2.1g fibre in 125g cooked rice

2.3g fibre in 125g cooked rice

2.4g fibre in 125g cooked rice

3.1g fibre in 125g cooked rice

3.9g fibre in 125g cooked rice

3.9g fibre in 125g cooked rice

5.1 fibre in 125g cooked rice