

5 of the best party platter items

Planning a soirée? Impress your guests with a colourful platter of fresh, healthy nibbles.

Tasty, fresh, and nutrient-packed – because entertaining can be delicious and wholesome! From creamy hummus to juicy grapes, we’ve rounded up five delicious and healthy nibbles that’ll impress your guests and keep the good vibes flowing:

1 Hummus and crudités


Per 50g serve: 260kJ (62cal), 1.3g protein, 4.7g fat, 0.4g sat fat, 3g carbs, 1.6g sugar, 1.8g fibre, 90mg sodium

2 Fresh strawberries


Per large strawberry: 25kJ (6cal), <1g protein, <1g fat, 0g sat fat, <1g carbs, <1g sugar, <1g fibre, 0mg sodium

3 Whole Greek kalamata olives


Per 15g serve: 150kJ (35cal), <1g protein, 3.8g fat, <1g sat fat, <1g carbs, <1g sugar, <1g fibre, 195mg sodium

4 Cheddar Cheese


Per 20g serve: 330kJ (80cal), 5g protein, 6.6g fat, 4.3g sat fat, <1g carbs, <1g sugar, 136mg sodium

5 Fresh grapes


Per 30g serve: 83kJ (20cal), <1g protein <1g fat, <1g sat fat, 4.5g carbs, 4.5g sugar, <1g fibre, 0g sodium

For more advice on party appetisers, we recommend:

Date modified: 4 December 2024
First published: December 2024


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