

5 ways to upgrade your low-kilojoule lunch

5 ways to upgrade your low-kj lunch

Looking for lighter lunch ideas? Healthy Food Guide shows you how to transform a typical low-kJ meal into something deliciously satisfying.

When aiming for weight loss, it’s easy to fall into the trap of prioritising kilojoules over nutritional quality. But creating meals that are tasty, satisfying and nutritionally dense is essential for long-term success. For a healthier, low-kilojoule lunch, focus on lean protein sources, replace processed foods with wholefood alternatives and incorporate fresh, natural ingredients such as whole grains, salads and fruits.



Protein plays a key role in weight loss as it boosts metabolism and reduces appetite.

  • Add At least 20g protein to your meal from lean sources such as tuna or low-fat plain yoghurt.


Whole grains are excellent sources of gut-friendly fibre which will keep you feeling full for longer.

  • Swap High-glycaemic-index, low-fibre rice cakes for lower GI wholegrain crispbreads.


Vegies add both volume and essential nutrients to meals without a lot of kilojoules.

  • Add Aim to fill half your plate with a range of colourful vegetables or salad.


Calcium is essential throughout all stages of life, to support healthy bones and teeth.

  • Add A small tub of low-fat plain yoghurt for an instant boost to your daily intake.


Including some healthy fats in your diet will help keep you feeling full and satisfied, reducing the likelihood of overeating.

  • Add A small portion of avocado for heart-healthy monounsaturated fats.

Typical low-kJ lunch

Store-bought pouch vegetable soup, 2 rice cakes, 1 cup of chopped melon, long black coffee

1200kJ (290cal), 9.5g protein, 2.5g fat, 0.4g sat fat, 53g carb, 21g sugar, 7.6g fibre, 1361mg sodium, 111mg calcium, 1.6mg iron.

Upgraded low-kJ lunch

This lunch is still low in kilojoules, but far more satisfying, nutritionally balanced and a slower-digesting meal that will boost energy and keep you feeling full for longer. We’ve tripled protein, doubled fibre and iron, increased calcium by two thirds and reduced the sodium by 60 per cent!

Tuna salad with a small tin of light tuna, 2 cups of mixed garden salad, ¼ avocado, 2 wholegrain crispbread, small tub plain low-fat yoghurt and half a cup of berries

1600kJ (380cal), 36g protein, 8g fat, 1.4g sat fat, 33g carb, 24g sugar, 15g fibre, 500mg sodium, 275mg calcium, 2.7mg iron.

Date modified: 27 November 2024
First published: November 2024


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