

Umami magic: 6 ways with mushrooms

Roasted mushroom and garlic pasta

Abundant in essential nutrients and vitamins, mushrooms are deserving of their superfood status.

They are low in kilojoules and high in the potent antioxidant ergothioneine, which helps to protect our cells and DNA from damage. Virtually free of sat fat and cholesterol, mushrooms are a heart-healthy option, and some research has shown they may also lower the risk of certain types of cancer.

Their distinctive umami flavour, courtesy of glutamic acid, can reduce the need for salt in cooking, aiding in blood pressure control.

Adding mushrooms to your meals is an easy way to boost flavour and make a smart choice for your health.

Try these 6 delicious recipes to make the most of mushrooms!

1 Roasted mushroom and garlic pasta

Roasted mushroom and garlic pasta

2 Baked thyme and garlic mushrooms with white bean puree

3 Mushroom, leek and ricotta open pie

4 Beef stuffed mushrooms

5 Spicy tofu with mushrooms and pak choi

6 Mushrooms with puttanesca salsa


Date modified: 7 October 2024
First published: September 2024


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