

5 ways to keep moving over winter

Exercise during shorter, colder days doesn’t have to be a chore. Try these tips to keep you going through
winter and bouncing into spring:

1. Get your circuit on in your living room

Try out a bodyweight exercise circuit in the lounge. For example, pick 10 exercises and do 10 repetitions of each one starting on the minute. Repeat twice for a great workout in the comfort of your own home!

2. Save time with high-intensity options

To boost your metabolic rate and save time, include some high intensity workouts. This is when your heart rate is up and you’re really going for it for a short period of time. Long and slow exercise may make you sweaty, but it might not necessarily get you to your exercise goal faster. Mix it up!

3. Alter the time you exercise in the day

If you’re an early riser or an after-work exerciser in summer, why not use your lunch break or a different time of the day to move in daylight. Prepare ahead – with your clothing and footwear – and get it done.

4. Be experimental

Use colder days as an opportunity to try a different indoor exercise option. For example, check out your local squash court, link up with some mates for a game of indoor netball, or investigate a trial at a gym.

5. Wrap up warm

On those beautiful crisp winter days, head outside and get moving. When the opportunity arises to exercise outside, grasp it. Wrap up warm and feel the cold air on your face. It’s invigorating and truly makes you feel alive.

Date modified: 9 July 2024
First published: July 2024


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