Der Preisfalke gibt sich ein neues Gesicht
Die Buchungsplattform Ratehawk gibt sich ein neues Gesicht. Sie kündigt eine Rebranding-Kampagne an, die eine aktualisierte Corporate Identity, eine strategische Neuausrichtung und die Enthüllung eines neuen Logos umfasse. Der neue Markenauftritt wird auf dem World Travel Market in London vorgestellt.
New Online Booking System RateHawk Unveils Major Rebranding Effort, an online system for booking hotels, airlines and transfers for travel professionals, announced a major rebranding effort. The brand repositioning, which will be officially unveiled at the World Travel Market in London this week, encompasses an updated corporate identity, strategic reimagining and the unveiling of a new logo.
RateHawk: pushing trade potential at WTM
The president and CEO of the Emerging Travel Group spotlighted RateHawk’s ability to push the envelope of trade potential.
RateHawk unveils rebranding and interface update
Acknowledging the demanding nature of the travel professional’s role, RateHawk remains steadfast in its commitment to developing tools and technologies that empower travel professionals, effectively elevating them to the status of super agents.
RateHawk Unveils Rebranding and Interface Update, an online system for booking hotels, air tickets, and transfers for travel professionals, announced its major rebranding initiative that encompasses an updated corporate identity, strategic reimagining, and the unveiling of a new logo. The new identity will be officially unveiled at the World Travel Market in London.